Now that that's out of the way, I absolutely need to show you this sculpture. Book Lovers, take a deep breath. This isn't going to be pretty for some of you, but this is a piece of art found at the University of Alberta. I stood there, jaw hanging down so low the magpies starting to look in there for a possible summer home.
I like it. I know there are so many wonderful books in there, I couldn't even begin to count them, but I think this is such a great way to celebrate the book.
The artist actually cut books (gasp) and assignments, but it's still pretty neat.
So, what do I see?
Swelling, tornado-like motion that is like the way your heart acts when you crack open a good book. The whirlwind of emotion is felt here, drawing your eyes upward, drawing your soul in, your body close as you are compelled to...see if your book is there.
Here's a close up.
So, what are your thoughts?