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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday vs Cyber Monday?

Okay, as a Canadian this is new to me. Sure, we've heard of this for years, but only since social media took off, at least for me, has this been so in your face.

What do you think of it?  Do you shop on Black Friday? Do you camp out in front of stores, or stay glued to your computer on Cyber Monday?

I know some Canadians who head down south to grab those deals. I know some Americans who hunker down in their homes to ride out the (sometimes) rampage.
Please, all of you down south, talk to this Canadian on your thoughts on these two days!


Mystery and Mayhem said...

I opened my local weekly paper and lo! There was a Black Friday sale in the next town!

Teri Heyer said...

Hi Barbara! I always avoid Black Friday sales. I don't much care for crowds, so not worth the small savings. No plans to do the Cyber Monday sales either. Planning to spend as little as possible this year. Though I will be buying an assortment of books for my grandkids for Christmas.

Barbara Phinney said...

Teri, thank you for dropping by. Being from a village so crowds aren't my thing. Are buying 'real' books? Or ebooks?

johnny ray said...

I am giving away by best selling novel from now until Monday. I also have a blog that is focusing on getting the word out on books by other authors. I have a large following that I hope will visit this site this weekend http://sirjohnreviews.blogspot.com/


Mystery and Mayhem said...

Johnny, that's very nice of you! Do you do much shopping on Black Friday?

It's like Jello

Again, it's been ages since I wrote a blog, and I am sure my followers have forgotten all about me.  But when life takes you on a trip, ...