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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Be Careful!!

This is just a warning. Today I received a Google alert saying that my book, The Catch, was mentioned on a Yahoo blog that offers downloads of mostly Christian articles. 
Well, it turned out that they are offering my book, The Catch as a free download. It's free anyway, so I'm hardly losing any money, but when I clicked on the link, my anti virus program refused to open it, saying that there was a virus imbedded into the file.
This in itself isn't unusual. You see, some people offer free books this way in order to slip a virus into your computer that may steal valuable information from it. Sometimes the virus is benign, too, but if my ESET program says no, I usually defer to its wisdom.
But the fact that my book is associated with this suspicious download and blog is disconcerting. So please, fellow readers, protect yourselves and your favourite authors. Download your books from reputable sites, and if the deal (ie free ebook) seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Besides, there are loads of free ebooks available everyday. Take BookBlast for instance. They offer loads of great and free ebooks, downloaded through reputable sites like Amazon. All you have to do is sign up for it and each day in your inbox is a nice list to choose from. And with  Bookbub, you can choose your genres. So protect your computer. 
And if you want The Catch, try downloading it from Amazon or from Barnes and Noble. Just stay safe.

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