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Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 7-12

Okay is Day 7. I think. The days run together. It might be later, but it doesn't matter because I'm combining the next five days into one boring blog. 

 via GIPHY

Each day was a repeat of a repeat. We got up, we ate breakfast, we dug through the freezer to pick something out for supper, we went for a walk, we came home, we ate leftovers for lunch, we exercised, read, showered, watched the news, had supper, watched TV and went to bed. 

Even to an introvert like me, who thinks of this isolation as a balm, found the routine a bit much. 

Then something happened.

The two neighbouring provinces shut down. Yes. We cannot go into Nova Scotia nor can we go to Prince Edward Island. 

 via GIPHY

To put it into perspective to you south of us, it's like you live in a rural area and must cross the state line to get groceries and medicine, but they just stopped you. Your doctor and pharmacy are just a few miles away and you're not allowed to get there and your prescriptions are running low. 

We spent the morning on the phone trying to sort things out. 

I know this blog is supposed to lift you up, but I can't lie and say it wasn't tense for a bit. We had planned to get some groceries, too. Man cannot live on lentils alone. At least the man in my house can't. Believe me, it's hard to live with him with all those lentils in his system. 
That reminds me. Add Beano to the list. 

 beano® Tablets

One last thing. 
I was scheduled to go out west on April first. I have had to cancel it. It breaks my heart not to see the kids and grandkids, but I can't risk giving them the virus (from the airplane, cus I am sure I have safe right now). Or worse, bringing it home. 

So that was our life in the last few days. 

One more day. Just one more day.
 via GIPHY

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