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Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's You, Again?

Day 3

We've settled into a routine. Hubby has even called his mother every day.

 via GIPHY

We've done our chores in the morning and exercised and napped in the afternoon. I napped on the chaise, lulled to snoozing by my Bible app. If I didn't know what happened with Joshua at Jericho, I'd have to listen to it again.
SPOILER ALERT! He wins. Jericho falls.

 via GIPHY

But, the horrors of quarantine!  Bad news on the horizon!

Hubby has decided generic coffee whitener is unacceptable!


To combat such a terrible affliction, we ordered some groceries. Hubby's brother delivered them, sneaking them onto our back deck before texting us to alert us to their presence. We crack open the door and snatch the bags up.

Thank God, the cream has arrived!

And life goes on. Our daily pattern of life continues and day 3 winds down.

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